The CNATM Light Control System consists of a QDC-400 controller
board with up to
eight DPM-400 2000-watt power modules. The QDC-400 connects to the LIN (Local I/O Network)
and receives it's set up parameters and commands from the CNA automation system.
The QDC-400 is a four channel light dimmer controller used to easily create various
lighting effects in the auditorium for each segment of the film presentation. Four light
levels for each channel can be stored and recalled by the CNA automation program. The
QDC-400 can control up to four channels (or groups of lights) of up to 4000 watts each,
for a total of 16kW of lights.
The DMP-400 2000-watt power modules are available for 110VAC or 220VAC. Each module
is rated for 2000 watts and two modules can be wired in parallel for a total rating of
4000 watts.